Formal and interactive lectures: pros, cons and teaching alternatives

  • Assanova G Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Keywords: a lecture (formal, interactive), lecture materials, cooperative learning strategies, brainstorming, buzz lecturing, task-based learning, a lecturer


The article under research has been devoted to the lecture and types of lectures that are important today to get and share information about a particular subject in higher educational establishments.  The purpose of the article is to define the lecture, to differentiate types of a lecture, to point out some pros of interactive and cons of formal lectures, and to try to give some practical recommendations to make lectures interactive and productive. The article also states out specific features of lectures, other types of lectures today together with formal types. The results of the study showed the role of interactive lectures, how they are more enjoyable and communicative for students to gain theoretical knowledge at the institutions. There were suggested the useful tips to organize lectures and some effective techniques of interactive lectures. The article under consideration might be interesting to instructors, lecturers, and scholars who conduct lectures for students at higher educational establishments and help how to stay on top on their professions and subjects.

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