The digital technology: past, present and future

  • Dzhussubaliyeva D.M., Tuleshova K.T., Aliymbaeva D.A.


This article examines the notion of the term “digital technology”. And the authors aim to analyze and discuss the usage of technology in the past, present and future. Three main stages of using computer technologies in the teaching of foreign languages are discussed in this article. Also it is reviewed how today digital technology should be used by educators in the classroom, as a resource for teaching EFL. This discussion arose from the analysis by the second year students of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (KazUIR&WL) at which the digital technology (online tool) has gained recognition of its potential by students. And types of digital technologies of future are discussed as well.

Methodology of cognitive-linguacultural theory of foreign language teaching prac